Saturday, September 3, 2016

May Sound Unoriginal, But It's HOW I FEEL

I know this may sound unoriginal, but it is how I feel.  I love justice.  When I see justice denied, I am sick.  When I witness any justice win, no matter how small the act, my heart soars, higher than the height of any bird that takes to its wings.  My heart soars to be with the stars of the sky.  I take this as a human condition...that we all want justice.  Not just for ourselves.  But for each and every human being that breathes in oxygen and breathes out carbon dioxide. 

What if this is not true?  That each human being doesn’t want justice for every other human being?  I do see behaviors that apparently are jealous enough, power-hungry enough, greedy enough, spiteful enough - that the order of the day is to put someone down to lift themselves to some level of self-importance that sustains them one more moment.  

The ultimate measure of a man
is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, 
but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

                                                                           —Martin Luther King, Jr., 1929 - 1968

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