Tuesday, December 10, 2013



Many TV ads and many facebook posts are for the kind treatment of animals, pets. Those who have been mistreated, neglected, abused, abandoned. I agree that animals and pets should be treated with kindness and loving care.

But at the same time, I know that there are thousands, probably millions of children who are mistreated, neglected, abused, witness things that no child should be witnessing, they are abandoned, are sold (some by their own parents), are sex slaves (some by their own parents), are married off when only 8 years old or younger, are taken from their parent(s) forced to be child soldiers and forced to kill others, the list could go on and on. Much of this happens in the USA. And I think probably most countries have children who suffer childhoods of great voids and survival needs that aren't met.

But, we don't see ads, explaining the lives of these children. We don't post about them on facebook. Because children legally that are in foster care, for example, cannot have their lives laid out for public consumption, notice. It is called "right to privacy". But in many ways, these children continue in damaging lives, because this so-believed saving of their "rights to privacy", means that we, the public, don't know, don't do anything to help just one of these human beings, don't witness the hell that these children live 24/7. I know personally stories of a few of these children. As a teacher for 30 years, I got to know some of these children. I adopted one of them. I have read the file. It is excruciatingly painful for me because of the empathy that I feel.

And I know that many of these children don't get one posting for them on facebook, a posting at a Huffington Post, an article in a newspaper or magazine. They are simply unknown to us. Their pain is not even conscious often to themselves, because it is called "Life" for them. They know nothing else but the need to find ways to survive daily.

I ask you personally, if you have gotten this far in this post, to at least think of these children today. Tomorrow. And each day after, say a word in your heart for them. Apparently, trusting that God will take care of them, isn't enough. Peace won't come until we give our children on the planet the basic needs to eat, sleep, dress warm in cold weather and have at least one person in their young lives who thinks they are worthy. We say we don't want abortions, but we allow "this" to happen to those children who weren't aborted, but they certainly are invisible to us in our hearts and minds.

Many older foster children who are free for adoption, don't get adopted because people prefer to adopt babies. In this video, are older foster children who were adopted. But many never have a home, know love, or a sense that they are worthy for anyone to love them. I send out love to them, each one and all.

My previous blog:

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